How to become a Taxify Driver in UK

We can see today the amount of people making careers switches in the short or long term. The reasons are mixed, some were not satisfied and fulfilled with the work they were doing, others were dragging themselves to the everyday work and only living for the weekends, or the technology advance created reasonable new opportunities compatible with their actual objectives.
The apps emergence is continually transforming the society behavior, preferences and
decisions, including choosing new ways of traditional solutions, like using private driver apps instead of ordering conventional taxis. The new taxi app Taxify, startup founded in Estonia and operating in 15 countries in Africa and Eastern Europe, is a new alternative for those who wants to become private drivers in London.

The Taxify requirements

To become a Taxify driver you need to check and provide the company requirements:

1. Register in the website and download the Taxify Driver app at Google play store or Apple store (considering that you have a smartphone). Once you have all the requirements ready (listed bellow), you can select in the app the “Go online” button and start receiving orders.

2. However, to start riding, you must apply for a private hire driver license at Transport of London (Tfl). To get the license, you must meet the criteria
– Be over 21 years old at the time of applying. There is no upper age limit, as long as you meet the other licensing requirements
– Have a valid DVLA, Northern Ireland, or other EEA state driving license for at least 3 years
– Have the right to live and work in the UK
– Do a police check (DBS –  Disclosure and Barring Service) or criminal records check proving that you are a good character
– Provide a Medical declaration from your general practitioner showing that you are medically fit in accordance with the DVLA Group 2 medical standards
– Provide a topographical skills certificate from an accredited assessment centre
– Provide an English language test results proving that you are able to communicate in English at an appropriate level. Drivers need to be able to communicate with passengers to discuss routes or fares, read, understand and respond to important regulatory, safety and travel information sent by Transport for London
For more information, check the link

3. The vehicle also needs to be eligible and regulated. You must present
– The insurance document (PHV Hire & Reward insurance). In accordance with Transport for London, private hire vehicles must be covered by hire or reward insurance at the point of licensing and when in use as a private hire vehicle. For more information, check the link
– The Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5) or new keeper supplement slip. If recently purchased, a bill of sale and V5C/2 is required. For more information, click here used-vehicles.

Once you met the criteria and signed up on the platform, it’s time to run.
For any kind of question and information, this is a useful Taxify link that can help you out


Freelancing writing work made for a client on October 2017.

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